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Hezlett Primary School, Castlerock, Co Londonderry
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Hezlett School Fair

31st May 2024
We had a really great turnout at our school fair on Friday 24th May and a thoroughly enjoyable night was had by all in attendance. There were lots of great activities on offer during the fair including, Kidz Farm, bouncy castles, penalty shoot-out, 100 square prizes, lucky dip, bottle stall, tuck shop, barbeque, plant stall, cake stall, face-painting, the coastguard and fair games such as hook-a-duck and the lollipop game, and a car boot sale. We also had a grand prize draw at the end of the fair with prizes including a Spar hamper, a microwave and a bike among many other prizes. We had lots of people from our school community who supported us during the preparation of the fair and on the night and we would like to say a massive thankyou to  to all those who donated, baked for and attended the fair!